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Bid to win a tour of the historic SS United States ocean liner

SS United States
SS United States still holds the trans-Atlantic speed record, 60 years after setting it PHOTO: Steamship Historical Society of America
Opportunities like this don't come often. Ship buffs are invited to bid for an up-close look at the legendary SS United States in Philadelphia.

Fastest trans-Atlantic ocean liner

Designed by William Francis Gibbs and built for United States Lines in 1951, the SS United States was the fastest ocean liner to cross the Atlantic in either direction, a record that still stands 60 years later. The vessel served the trans-Atlantic route until 1969.

The package includes a two-hour tour of the SS United States, two original life preservers from the vessel, tickets to the Independence Seaport Museum in Philadelphia, a copy of the SS United States documentary 'Lady in Waiting' and a framed United States Line reproduction poster.

The vessel is not open to the public, so this is a rare chance to see the bridge, movie theaters, ballroom, outer decks, crew's quarters, dining room and even the crow's nest.

Benefits Steamship Historical Society of America

The tour was donated by John and Mélie Spofford, members of the Steamship Historical Society of America, to benefit the SSHSA's efforts to preserve its collection of maritime heritage and take the history of steam to students around the world.

Other items are also being auctioned to support SSHSA.

Bids will be accepted through May 3 and can be submitted by emailing [email protected], calling +1-401-463-3570 or filling out a form on the auction page.

TAGS: ships