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Puerto Rico, USVI go to Condition Zulu for 'potentially catastrophic' Cat. 5 Maria

(Graphic: National Hurricane Center)
The US Coast Guard set Port Condition Zulu for Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands at 8 a.m. Tuesday. This means the possibility that gale-force winds may arrive within 24 hours.

On Monday night the National Hurricane Center in Miami declared Maria a 'potentially catastrophic' Category 5 hurricane.

The storm's intensity may have decreased slightly after passing over mountainous Dominica, however forecasters said Maria may already have regained its Category 5 clout.

The storm is headed toward the Virgin Islands, which were badly impacted by Hurricane Irma, and Puerto Rico, which was brushed by that storm.

Hurricane warnings are in effect for those islands plus Dominica, Guadeloupe, St. Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat and the British Virgin Islands.

Forecasters at the National Hurricane Center said Maria is likely to affect Puerto Rico and the US and British Virgin Islands as an 'extremely dangerous' major hurricane tonight and Wednesday.