Carnival Vista rescues six crew from capsized cargo vesselCarnival Vista rescues six crew from capsized cargo vessel
Carnival Vista saved six men stranded in the ocean near the Dominican Republic early Wednesday after their small cargo vessel capsized overnight.
December 13, 2023

A search and rescue operation for six additional crew who are missing is being led by Dominican Coast Guard authorities.
Responding to an emergency alert
Carnival Vista’s officers under the direction of Capt. Paolo Severini immediately altered the ship’s course, in coordination with Carnival’s Fleet Operations Center in Miami, when an on-board monitoring system received an emergency alert. The officers then spotted six men on a life raft and brought them aboard Carnival Vista.
The Carnival team informed Coast Guard officials in the Dominican Republic about the additional missing crew members. The officials launched a search for the remaining crew and advised Carnival Vista to return to its route.
Amber Cove call as scheduled
The ship went on to call at Amber Cove in the Domincan Republic Wednesday, as scheduled. The Port Canaveral-based Carnival Vista is currently on a six-day sailing that departed Sunday.
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