Swan Hellenic mandates COVID-19 vaccination for crewSwan Hellenic mandates COVID-19 vaccination for crew
Swan Hellenic said it will require COVID-19 vaccination as a pre-embarkation medical requirement for all ship’s staff and crew.
February 15, 2021

The vaccination cycle will be carried out at recruitment centers or in the home countries of the crew members in accordance with current local guidelines and approved medical protocols.
This is part of Swan Hellenic's other health-care measures, including UV-C air sanitation, taken in consultation with Vikand Solutions.
Follows AQSC, Victory, Saga
Other cruise operators mandating COVID-19 vaccination include American Queen Steamboat Co. and Victory Cruise Lines, for both passengers and crew, and Saga Cruises, for passengers only.
Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings has expressed its intention all crew be vaccinated before boarding to begin their duties, and Royal Caribbean Group will be requiring that.
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Swan HelleniccoronavirusVictory Cruise LinesSaga CruisesNorwegian Cruise Line HoldingsRoyal Caribbean GroupAbout the Author
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