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Chantiers de l'Atlantique slows work but Celebrity Apex delivery date holdsChantiers de l'Atlantique slows work but Celebrity Apex delivery date holds

Chantiers de l'Atlantique has reduced work activity until Friday, however Celebrity Apex's delivery is still reported on schedule.

Michèle Valandina, French correspondent

March 18, 2020

1 Min Read
Celebrity Apex at Chantiers de l'Atlantique
The delivery of Celebrity Apex is still expected late this week. The ship will remain at the yard at least until early AprilPHOTO: ANNE KALOSH

Celebrity Apex to remain on site

The handover of Celebrity Cruises' second Edge-class ship is still expected late this week. All officers and crew are on board.

A Celebrity spokeswoman said Celebrity Apex will remain at the yard at least into early April.

Its short inaugural sailings planned for Southampton at the end of March are off, in line with coronavirus precautions and parent company Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.'s suspension of global operations until April 11. As earlier reported, the naming ceremony is to take place later this year in Fort Lauderdale.

Trade union pressure

Under pressure from trade unions and employees asking for the Saint-Nazaire yards to close, Chantiers management took several actions. The sheet metal and assembly workshops as well as the cabin factory are closed for this week.

Staff in the design offices are allowed to work from home. For employees who can't do that, work is being organized to limit the number of people simultaneously present.

People working on the ships themselves are permitted to stay home for the next three days, while it is up to subcontractors to decide if they want their own employees to continue.

About the Author

Michèle Valandina

French correspondent

A graduate from Lyon University, where she specialised in foreign languages and American literature, Michèle worked as an interpreter/translator (English, German and Italian) for major international events before entering the diplomatic world for a few years. As a Paris-based freelance travel and lifestyle writer, she has been a contributor to a host of publications and has long specialised in two sectors: cruising and wellness. Her features have appeared in, among others, Le Monde, Le Figaro, Le Figaro Magazine, Les Echos Week-end and periodicals dedicated to the MICE sector. She has also featured on radio and TV travel programmes and, since 1992, has been the author of the only French cruise guide, Croisières Passion.


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