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ALMACO Group to redesign Crystal Mozart's crew area

ALMACO Group is refurbishing the crew cabins and crew areas on Crystal River Cruises' Crystal Mozart due to sail  on her maiden voyage round-trip from Vienna, July 13, 2016.

Mary Bond, Editor in Chief

June 8, 2016

1 Min Read
Credit: Seatrade Cruise News

ALMACO’s turnkey delivery will include the modernization of 50 crew cabins and crew areas such as the gym, mess, recreation areas as well as store rooms. Work is being carried out in Austria.

The 158-guest capacity river ship will sail in Austria, Germany, Slovakia, and Hungary.

Hervé Touzard, ALMACO’s vp after sales for the Marine Division, states, 'We are thrilled to join Genting Group, with whom ALMACO has worked since the 1990s, and Crystal Cruises in this move into the river cruise industry where luxury and top quality are the standards, which are also quintessential to ALMACO’s deliveries'

About the Author

Mary Bond

Editor in Chief

Mary Bond is Group Director, Seatrade Cruise a division within Informa Markets and responsible for the Seatrade portfolio of global cruise events, print and online cruise publishing.

Mary is also the publisher and editor-in-chief of Seatrade Cruise News and Seatrade Cruise Review magazine.

Mary has worked in the shipping industry for 39 years, first for Lloyd’s Register of Shipping before joining Seatrade’s editorial team in 1985.

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