InnerSea Discoveries refurbishes 49-passenger shipsInnerSea Discoveries refurbishes 49-passenger ships
In preparing the 49-passenger Wilderness Discoverer and Wilderness Adventurer to re-enter service in Alaska in May, drydock work is being carried out at Pacific Fisherman Shipyard with the rest of the refurbishments managed in-house by new brand InnerSea Discoveries.
October 22, 2010

Seattle-based InnerSea Discoveries is the sister company of yacht operator American Safari Cruises. The brands are owned by Dan Blanchard, ceo, and Tim Jacox.
The two ships were withdrawn from Alaska service in 2005. Now they’re being enhanced with underwater cameras mounted on the bows, kayak-launching floats and main salons redesigned to blend the feel of a 1940s National Park Service Lodge and a neighborhood pub. The cabins are gaining flat screen televisions, DVDs, iPod docks and memory-foam mattresses.
Hull work for Wilderness Discoverer has been completed at Pacific Fisherman Shipyard, and similar work will start soon for Wilderness Adventurer, an InnerSea Discoveries spokeswoman told Seatrade Insider.
Everything else—painting, engine/systems overhauls and interior refurbishment from wallpaper to cabinetry—will be completed in-house with project management by Tim Voss, who has led the refurbishment of many vessels. Blanchard himself has overseen some 16 vessel refurbishments over the years.
Voss and Blanchard are handling the design, ordering, installation and finishing work for almost all aspects of the project, the spokeswoman said.
Completion is set by April to allow time to showcase the vessels in various public relations events.
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