New upholstery and soft furnishing ranges from SkoposNew upholstery and soft furnishing ranges from Skopos
New collections from UK-based Skopos Design Ltd include a fabric range called Strata and 25 print designs called Peotica.

Offering eight detailed designs influenced by the earth and its natural formations, Strata focuses on the character of geological forms.
The multitonal layers of Chevin and Canyon, the texture of Portland, and formation Chesil complement all interiors with colour options ranging from soft slate to hot lava red.
The new upholstery selection for leisure interiors, including cruise ships, consists of Alisa containing the soft warm shimmer of volcanic rock, Bendrick and Iona the complex metallic stripe of minerals, and Bryce the might of rock.
All Strata fabrics are suitable for use as upholstery, are flame retardant to UK, International and IMO standard, and available now, reports the UK company.
Poetica prints are designed to uplift and refresh leisure interiors with Prose, Tanka, Sonnet and Ode, says Skopos.
Poetica offers a peaceful ambiance with the soft shades of Sweetpea and Heather, to both relax and unwind guests. Alternatively a rich and vibrant atmosphere, using the colours of Rosso Red and Mallard Green, can be implemented bringing the energy to revitalise any decor.
Skopos describes the Sonnet print as 'graceful and organic, whilst Ode’s flowing curves 'bring a striking look' to contemporary interiors.
Poetica is suitable for use as bedspreads, drapery and soft furnishings, and like Strada, is flame retardant to UK, International and IMO standards.
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