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American Queen Voyages releases its biggest cruise atlas everAmerican Queen Voyages releases its biggest cruise atlas ever

American Queen Voyages released its most comprehensive cruise atlas in the line’s 10-year history.

Anne Kalosh, Editor, Seatrade Cruise News & Senior Associate Editor, Seatrade Cruise Review

February 17, 2022

2 Min Read
CRUISE Shawn Bierdz Kari Tarnowski John Waggoner
Kari Tarnowski shows off the new atlas with Shawn Bierdz, left, and American Queen Voyages Founder and Chairman John Waggoner, rightPHOTO: MICHEL VERDURE

Encompassing the 2022-2024 seasons and rivers, lakes, ocean and expedition experiences, the 156-page guide is a resource for travelers and a sales tool for travel advisors. The atlas illustrates the company's 'Discovery Runs Deep' message with stunning imagery and descriptive narratives highlighting voyages across the eight-vessel fleet and shore excursions in more than 120 North American ports. 

'The new atlas is another milestone achievement as we continue to introduce the American Queen Voyages brand, comprehensively encouraging a deeper discovery of North America one page at a time,' said Kari Tarnowski, SVP marketing and sales, American Queen Voyages.

CRUISE American Queen Voyages atlas

The atlas cover shows the diversity of experiences with the ocean port of Savannah, Georgia, the expedition destination Ketchikan, Alaska, and rivers favorite Louisville, Kentucky. Numbers illustrate waterway and destination locations including mile markers and geographic coordinates.

The design continues the deconstructed paddlewheel theme, reflecting individual paddles or 'bucket boards,' as they are called on the river, creating a pattern representing movement. This graphic was first established with an algorithm measuring the distance traveled and varying nautical speeds on a vessel.

A QR code on the atlas connects to a video.

'"Discovery Runs Deep" and exploring North America continues to resonate,' said Shawn Bierdz, chief operating officer, American Queen Voyages. 'As we celebrate our company’s 10th anniversary and prepare our largest vessel deployment in history, this new atlas will equip travelers and advisors with a visually-rich resource to plan experiences with American Queen Voyages through 2024.'

New loyalty Club AQV preview

The atlas provides details on suites and staterooms, entertainment and enrichment, previews the new Club AQV loyalty program and provides ongoing SafeCruise health and safety protocols.

The atlas will be mailed to customers in the coming days. It is available in print and digital versions on request at www.AQVoyages.com.

Read more about:

American Queen Voyages

About the Author

Anne Kalosh

Editor, Seatrade Cruise News & Senior Associate Editor, Seatrade Cruise Review

Anne Kalosh covers global stories, reporting both breaking and in-depth news on cruising's significant people, places, ships and trends. A sought-after expert on cruising, she has moderated conferences around the world, including the high-profile State of the Industry panel at Seatrade Cruise Global. She created and led the acclaimed itinerary-planning case study for Seatrade's cruise master classes held at Cambridge and Oxford universities. She has been the cruise columnist for AFAR.com, and her freelance stories have appeared in a wide range of publications, from The New York Times to The Miami Herald.

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