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Captain Cook Cruises Fiji to continue day sails and dinner cruisesCaptain Cook Cruises Fiji to continue day sails and dinner cruises

When Caledonian Sky wraps up her final charter on October 26, Captain Cook Cruises will continue with its ‘Day Sail’ to Tivua Private Island and its ‘Sunset Dinner Cruises,’ Executive Chairman Allison Haworth West said.

Helen Hutcheon, Australasia correspondent

June 26, 2024

1 Min Read
CRUISE Allison Haworth West
Allison Haworth West said Caledonian Sky had sailed to 90 of Fiji’s 333 islandsPHOTO: CAPTAIN COOK CRUISES FIJI

Haworth West said the company will use the sailing catamaran Fiji One and the topsail schooner Spirit of the Pacific.

Sharing remote destinations

She said Caledonian Sky’s itineraries had covered 90 of Fiji’s 333 islands and that it has been ‘an honour and a privilege’ to share these remote undiscovered destinations and cultures with passengers.

‘We are honoured to have been able to provide the benefit of tourism in a considered and sensitive way to the people of these outer islands of Fiji who otherwise have had very little contact with the outside world,’ she said.

‘Our Fijian expedition team has done an extraordinary job pioneering education and sustainability to remote Fiji in a way never done before that will leave a lasting legacy.’

Read more about:

South Pacific

About the Author

Helen Hutcheon

Australasia correspondent

Helen Hutcheon did her cadetship on a shipping magazine and worked in P&O’s Sydney office for seven years as a public relations journalist.

For 19 years she was deputy editor of Travel Week, which was Australia’s leading trade newspaper that covered major local and international industry events.

In 2008 the late legendary Rama Rebbapragada presented her with an award from Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd ‘in recognition of her outstanding contribution to the cruising industry.’

In 2010 she won the Neil Frazer Award for ‘outstanding contribution to the cruise industry,’ elevating her to CLIA Australasia’s hall of fame.

She has been the Australasia correspondent for Seatrade Cruise Review since 1997 and for Seatrade Insider (now Seatrade Cruise News) since its launch in 2000.


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