Haimark Line officially cancels all future cruisesHaimark Line officially cancels all future cruises
Haimark Line, which operated the coastal vessel Saint Laurent, has canceled all future cruises, according to the US Federal Maritime Commission.
April 26, 2016

In accordance with FMC regulations, Haimark maintains an escrow account to refund applicable passenger fares and deposits for cruises departing from a US port in the event the line fails to perform these cruises. The escrow account does not provide reimbursement for payments for air travel, shore-side hotel expenses, or other expenses beyond water transportation.
The escrow agent will automatically process refunds and send payments to passengers who paid deposits or fares for cruises on Saint Laurent. Passengers who previously obtained a refund from their credit card issuer or travel insurance are not eligible.
The FMC said its Office of Passenger Vessels and Information Processing is available to assist passengers with respect to questions about Haimark or their refund procedures and may be contacted at [email protected].
Saint Laurent has not sailed for Haimark since last October when the company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
During 2015, the vessel had operated in Canada/New England and the Great Lakes. Circumnavigations of Cuba on people-to-people cruises, pending Cuban approval, were advertised to start as early as last December.
The Chapter 11 filing was intended to resolve the liability issue between charterer Haimark and the shipowner, Clipper, springing from an accident in early June when Saint Laurent struck a lock in the St. Lawrence Seaway. The hull suffered significant damages and four cruises were canceled while repairs were completed.
Earlier this year Haimark was acquired by Vert Capital.
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