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Kieler Woche sailing festival opens with AIDA as a sponsorKieler Woche sailing festival opens with AIDA as a sponsor

AIDA Cruises for the first time is supporting the annual Kieler Woche sailing festival as a main event sponsor.

Frederik Erdmann, German Correspondent

June 16, 2018

1 Min Read
Credit: Seatrade Cruise News

Trio of AIDA ships

AIDAaura docked at Kiel's Ostseekai cruise terminal early Saturday, the opening day of Kieler Woche. Three other ships will call Kiel during the festivities, which continue until June 24.

AIDA's sponsorship involves providing various attractions on board and ashore. The line established the new 'AIDA Urlaubswelt' (Aida Vacation World) at the Kiellinie festival mall, where cruise offers are presented along with an AIDAperla show cabin. AIDA is also sponsoring four city-center video walls that display the yacht regattas. On Kieler Woche's closing day AIDA will sponsor the traditional 11 p.m. fireworks. As part of the fireworks choreography, AIDAbella will be illuminated with colored lights.

Ship tours

Apart from today's visit of AIDAaura, AIDAbella will call this Sunday and June 24, AIDAcara this Sunday and AIDAluna on June 24. Three-hour guided tours on board complete with buffet lunch are offered for €49 euros (free for children up 15). While AIDAluna is in port June 24, AIDA Cruises is also selling a 'Wellness Day' to visitors which includes access to the AIDA Body & Soul Spa for €69. A fundraiser for the 'Good for Kids' initiative is also taking place, with an AIDA cruise as the main prize.

Crew and staff recruitment

Apart from attracting new passengers, AIDA also hopes to recruit crew and shoreside staff through its Kieler Woche sponsorship. A team is on site to talk to those interested in career opportunities with the Rostock-based operator.

Kieler Woche, held in late June, is the world's largest sailing event. First held in 1882, it typically attracts 2,000 yachts and ships, some 5,000 yachtsmen and sailors along with about three million visitors annually.

About the Author

Frederik Erdmann

German Correspondent

Frederik Erdmann is Seatrade's German cruise correspondent since 2002. Following secondary school graduation he joined the port agency network, Sartori & Berger, on a vocational training program. After subsequent studies of Business Administration, Frederik Erdmann held various positions at Sartori & Berger until 2010. After a period of working with the Flensburg Chamber of Commerce, he was appointed Designated Person Safety/Security, Environment and Quality of the coastal ferry operator, Wyker Dampfschiffs-Reederei. As a maritime trade press correspondent and visiting lecturer of the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences,

Frederik Erdmann concentrates on ferry and cruise ship management, port development as well as safety and security in passenger shipping. He is also a member of the Flensburg Chamber of Commerce's Tourism Committee.


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