NCLH, RCL boost liquidity with debt holidays for German-built shipsNCLH, RCL boost liquidity with debt holidays for German-built ships
Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings and Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. secured additional liquidity by taking advantage of debt holidays for certain German-built ships.
April 24, 2020

The 12-month debt holidays are offered by Hermes, Germany's official export credit agency, to provide relief for borrowers during the current COVID-19 pandemic.
NCLH additional $386m liquidity
For the six NCLH ships, this means $386m additional liquidity for the company through April 2021. The ships are Norwegian Bliss, Norwegian Breakaway, Norwegian Encore, Norwegian Escape, Norwegian Getaway and Norwegian Joy
RCL additional $250m liquidity
As anticipated, RCL took advantage of the chance to defer debt payments for additional ships which, together, will generate approximately $250m of incremental liquidity through April 2021.
The five ships are Quantum of the Seas, Celebrity Eclipse, Celebrity Equinox, Celebrity Solstice and Celebrity Silhouette.
On top of earlier extra $200m
This is on top of the $200m of incremental liquidity previously disclosed in connection with RCL's Hermes-backed facilities for three ships.
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