Royal Caribbean survey reveals holiday compromise leaves Brits stuck in a rutRoyal Caribbean survey reveals holiday compromise leaves Brits stuck in a rut
A study of 2,000 adults reveals pester power from children or pressure from partners means 30% of adults miss out or compromise on the kind of holiday they would really like, in order to please others.

The findings from Royal Caribbean International show millions are ending up in a travel rut, returning to the same accommodation in the same resort every year.
The survey found 62% of Brits have returned to a former holiday venue within ten years and 12% have been to the same place six times or more.
Thirty one per cent claim they compromise on the actual choice of destination while another third say they miss out on activities they want to do but others do not. But the biggest compromise is in accommodation, with 44% not getting to stay in the kind of place they would love to try out because of the considerations of others.
For most, the definition of a dream holiday involves going somewhere new and further away than usual and in luxury accommodation. But of the 51% keen to try something different in 2015, two-thirds have resigned themselves to missing out on their wish.
Many Britons say they would like to try something new but find excuses not to, with 45% claiming to be put off by price and 23% by increased travelling time. And an unadventurous 14% say they do not want to try something new in case it doesn't work out.
Jo Briody, director of marketing & PR at Royal Caribbean commented, ‘If you’ve never considered it, a cruise holiday truly offers something for everyone without the need to compromise.
‘As well as the exciting excursions we offer, there are a host of unique experiences on board, which travellers would never expect from a cruise ship, including sky diving simulation, robotic bartenders and even bumper cars at sea. With so much choice available, there’s no reason not to get out of that holiday rut.’
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