Summer Sapphire Princess cruises from Los Angeles are canceledSummer Sapphire Princess cruises from Los Angeles are canceled
Princess Cruises' first summer sailings from Los Angeles to the Mexican Riviera, Hawaii and the California coast are canceled.
April 13, 2022

This impacts 11 cruises on Sapphire Princess, which was being redeployed from Asia to start the Los Angeles program June 25. This would have made an earlier restart for the ship, which hadn't been scheduled to resume in Asia until Aug. 28.
Affected by the summer cancellation are seven- to 16-day cruises embarking from June 25 to Sept. 17. These ranged from various Mexican Riviera itineraries to a pair of 16-day Hawaiian Islands voyages and several coastal California options.
New start date Sept. 24
Sapphire Princess is now expected to return to service Sept. 24.
'While we continue to work diligently in preparing Sapphire Princess to set sail, there have been some delays that are affecting her timeframe for resuming guest operations,' Princess Cruises said.
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