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How Molde rallied in response to Viking Sky crisis

Viking Sky
Viking Sky at Molde, where the entire community pitched in to help the stricken ship
When Viking Sky issued a mayday call during heavy seas on Saturday the community of Molde, the nearest town to the distressed ship, sprang into action.

Speedy response

The Fræna municipality, where the ship experienced engine failure, as well as the neighbouring municipalities, acted quickly and did an excellent job, Olav Akselvoll, port director of Molde and Romsdal Harbor, told Seatrade Cruise News.

‘Within a short time, an emergency response center was established to take care of passengers who were being airlifted from the ship,’ he explained. In total, 479 were evacuated via helicopter.

Entire community pitched in

Emergency services, the Norwegian Red Cross, as well as a great number of volunteers worked tirelessly throughout the day and night until the ship berthed safely alongside in Molde on Sunday.

Akselvoll said: ‘The entire Molde community rallied together to ensure passengers from the ship where taken care of. In a small community such as ours, people fortunately are used to cooperating and helping out.’

‘It has been moving to see and we are proud of how the local community has handled the situation,’ he remarked.

The hotels cooperated to prepare enough rooms. Within a short period of time, they made over 200 rooms available. Nearby Kristiansund did the same.

Stores opened on Sunday

In Norway, stores are closed on Sunday, but they opened their doors so people could buy the essentials. Stores and the community in general donated shoes, warm clothing and other items.

Passengers in need of medical care where taken care of in the local hospitals.

Wednesday morning Akselvoll reported most passengers had left Molde.

In summing up the last four days, he said: ‘The crew on board Viking Sky, representatives from Viking and the local guide company Noreon did a spectacular job and have worked nonstop to ensure the wellbeing of the passengers, organizing flights, etc.'