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Helge Grammerstorf ends 10-year run as CLIA Germany national director

Helge Grammerstorf has represented CLIA in Germany for more than a decade
Helge Grammerstorf, national director of CLIA Germany, will be wrapping up that role Sept. 30 as his SeaConsult business returns to individual projects.

For more than a decade Grammerstorf has represented Cruise Lines International Association in Germany, building it into a respected national interest group.

He has been a knowlegeable, credible and accessible industry spokesperson in one of the world's leading cruise source markets.

Exciting and successful association representation

'We are ending a 10-year period of exciting and successful association representation and are now turning back to our core business of market research and project work,' said Grammerstorf, who has been active in passenger shipping for more than 40 years and managing partner of SeaConsult for more than 25 years.

Individual projects ahead

'After many challenging years on the front line, I would like to refrain from the day-to-day business and dedicate myself to selected individual projects in the cruise industry,' he added.

SeaConsult will continue to work with the existing team in the 'House of Cruises' at its location in north Hamburg.

CLIA announced Grammerstorf would be stepping down Tuesday, on the eve of Seatrade Europe in Hamburg.