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Royal Princess architects share their design inspirations

Royal Princess architects share their design inspirations
Princess Cruises released the latest in its series of videos previewing the new Royal Princess. This most recent installment features the insights of interior designers Teresa Anderson and Giacomo Mortola, who preview the prototype ship that debuts in June 2013.

In the video Anderson, vp of interior design for Princess, and Mortola, coordinating architect, explain the ideas behind the design, from the ethereal feel of the marble and glass spiral staircases in the atrium to the influence of Frank Lloyd Wright in the décor of the aft dining room.

For Anderson, Royal Princess’ design springs from the concept of ‘global chic.’ ‘I believe that’s what Princess Cruises is all about—taking influences from fashion, from art, from history … what you capture when you’re traveling the world,’ she said.

For Mortola, light was an important element. ‘More than any other project I’ve worked on, on the new Royal Princess, I used light as a central component of my designs,’ he said. Citing the Chef’s Table Lumiere in the aft dining room as an example, he described how the table is surrounded by a curtain of fiber-optic lights which creates ‘real drama—unlike any dining experience you’ve had.’

Anderson added that her goal is to find ‘a harmony of comfortably elegant décor throughout the ship that is spectacular, yet resonates with all types of people. And on Royal Princess with the use of rich and elegant materials with warm tones, I think we’ve achieved that goal better than ever before.’

Anderson joined Princess in 1994 and has overseen the interior design development for all the line’s newbuilds and ship refurbishments since.

Genoa-based Mortola has a long affiliation with Princess, having begun his initial work as a technical advisor with the former Sitmar Cruises in 1974. He has been involved in the design of most Princess ships, and has also overseen the refurbishment of many of the line’s vessels.

The video is at
