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Seatrade Cruise Talks

Seatrade Cruise Talks: Environmentally Conscious Gastronomy

Sustainable Gastronomy Day is on the 18th of June, so what better time to release this session which originally aired at Seatrade Cruise Virtual: Guest Experience, on the 13th of April 2020.

Sustainable Gastronomy Day is on the 18th of June, so what better time to release this session which originally aired at Seatrade Cruise Virtual: Guest Experience, on the 13th of April 2020.

As 2020 dawned there was one pursuit on the top of everyone’s mind: sustainability. Now, as the world begins to wake up, that trend hasn’t gone anywhere. Dining options must now meet not only various dietary requirements but also sustainability expectations.

- There may be an increase in individually packaged items to prevent touch contamination, how will this extra waste be tackled?
- How can food waste itself be limited, and what will be done with that waste?
- Using local suppliers not only benefits those populations and gives guests an authentic experience, but how can it impact sustainability?

Listen in below>>